Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 8.

Did what I could today.  The laps around the house are getting better/faster.  I'm less anxious getting out of bed.

I tried to do a set of the PT exercises but even at a really wimpy level my hip won't let me.  Like standing and moving my right leg out to the side should be easy enough but it seems like there is something stopping it.  Not the kind of pain that feels like you should be pushing against.  I don't even know what I mean...maybe it's all in my head but I don't think so.

I was reading over some info on intertrochanteric hip fractures and everything tells me a 'no pain, no gain' attitude is likely to cause further damage but that if I don't get up, move around and do the prescribed PT, I'm in really big trouble. Since almost any movement makes me scream, how is that supposed to work?  They talk about working on strength and flexion....I can't even imagine...but and worried about what will happen if I don't. 

I'm babbling.

My first follow up appointment is on Wednesday.  If I wasn't already worried about how I'm going to get from the house, through the snow to the car or how I'm going to be able to move to have x-rays taken, I would be looking forward to it.

Now.  If I don't have anything good to say I shouldn't say anything at all so I'm outta here. 

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