Saturday, February 6, 2010

Eggs, A Table And Siding

It was so so so easy to write a car scene into our film. Such a perfect opening sequence. Easy. Now, how would someone film something like that? Where is the camera person? On the hood of the car? And how would you hear the people inside talking when the camera person is on the hood of the car? I wonder if you could use mirrors for something somehow? Well. Looks like we're renting a flatbed truck and putting a car on it, tethering the camera person (Vince) somewhere in front of the car. and having the driver (Kathy) drive the flatbed truck with the car on it back and forth over the same 1000 yard section of road over and over again, shooting with different exposures and angles. The actors will be mic'd. Then, the camera person will get into the driver seat and shoot the passenger while she is saying her lines with the person you think is in the driver's seat, but is actually sitting in the back seat saying his lines and then the actors switch and Vin films the driver from the passenger seat, while the flatbed truck driver is driving back and forth along the same 1000 yards of road. When that's done, Vince will get into the cherry picker that is positioned over the road and the car will drive back and forth under it while Vin is shooting. THEN there are the shots from the airplane that I'm secretly hoping we don't have time for. Vince thinks the car scene will end up being the easiest scene to shoot. I don't like the sound of that.

Today was big. The stove (isn't it just the cutest little stove?) that was sitting in the middle of the kitchen NOT hooked up for a month is now sitting in the middle of the kitchen hooked up, which is much better and as soon as Vince figures out how to reconnect the wire he accidently cut through behind the stove, we can move it into place. The inaugural homemade pizza was delicious although it was tough deciding where to eat the living room while watching a movie? or at the not-done but usable new table (not blurry in real life) while sitting on the new chairs that came today? I decided to eat one piece at the table on a new chair and another piece on the couch in front of the movie. Oh, before I forget....never get white upholstered furniture, (as if you didn't already know that) unless you only wear pajamas.*

Ryan Kiss, one of the 200 people in Metaline Falls, made our table frame. His dad Steve milled the two 18 inch cedar planks that rest on top from a tree that was leaning on a house in town. We still have to finish the top but in the meantime we can use it as another horizontal surface for piling stuff. Ryan also made the kitchen sink base, kitchen shelf tower, entry bench and as soon as he's done painting the John Deere skidder with a de-limber and boom grapple for which we were somehow bumped, he's going to make us some bookcases.

We have movie night at our house every Saturday night. We've only had one so far. In attendance was Joe (my 30 year friend that harvested the porch beam) and his wife Trish who brought us eggs from their chickens that are so pretty I don't want to eat them. And Chris who brought a Harvey Wallbanger cake and a pile of 30 year old photos documenting him, Joe and me planting trees in a clear cut. Thirty years ago Chris and I traveled together (felt our way around) in New Zealand for months and we laughed everyday all day.

I could check and see if I already told you about our home theater but since I can walk faster than our internet, I'll just assume I have. (8 speaker surround...sound familiar?) Anyway. It doesn't matter where you are in the house, the screen will be too close and the sound will be too loud. I say we should have bought a smaller screen. Vince says we should have built a bigger house.

We're getting exercise again. Yaaayyy. It all started about 2 weeks ago. All we had to do is decide that being 8 pm and 20 degrees wasn't a good enough reason to be inside at home like everyone else. We bought our $272 dollar season pass (like the 700 other season pass holders at Nelson Nordic) and 3 oz. headlamps that are as bright as a car headlight and last for 4 hours on the medium setting. My season pass picture looks like a little old lady and Vince's looks like a thug. The night loop is flat and lit. Part of the area outside the lit loop is open enough that most of the time we can ski under the moon and stars without our lights. We're both satisfied with around an hour. We did a 1 lap ~4 minute race last Thursday. 2-up starts. Vin and I started together. I jumped the gun on purpose. Entry fee was a donation so we asked if they wanted money or ski wax since we brought a million years worth of wax with us. They said they'd rather have wax. Later we saw the poster for the race that said it was a fund-raiser for Haiti?

Look. Siding. I know you're thinking...."how will they keep it from rusting?". We're not the only building in Metaline Falls covered in rusted corrugated metal but I'm pretty sure we're the only one's that think it looks cool.

*in our defense, the white upholstery was the only choice we had so we're not crazy.

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