Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ceiling Is Believing cont'


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy! Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm originally from Metaline Falls and I found your blog by way of a Google alert on the town's name, which is how I keep up with local news.

    I haven't lived there for a couple years, but it's still dear to my heart. I'm glad to see some new folks looking to call it home - isn't it beautiful?! - and, better yet, that you are building a sustainable home! I myself have been toying with the idea of one day returning and working to establish an ecovillage in the general area.

    I'm looking forward to reading about the progress you make on the house and in getting settled into the community. And maybe I'll get a chance to meet you both on one of my visits home sometime.

    Best of luck!
    From Central Oregon,
