Friday, October 25, 2013


Yesterday, eight weeks and a quarter tank of gas* into Fall semester, we got our Ohio residency.  Never in a million years would I have imagined I would someday be driving around with an Ohio drivers license.  It's not like Massachusetts where they let you look in a mirror then snap photos until you get one you like.  No, they shoot when you least expect it and that's it.  Vince looks great of course, but me?  I look like a hooker.

I'm working on several screenplays.  The one I decided to let rest for a while (maybe forever) is a comedy about a bridesmaid hitchhiking to a wedding then gets a ride with a serial (screw gun) killer.  What would Garrison Keilor say? 

The other day we watched 11 chase scenes in Film Analysis class.  Then later in Cinematography (a class I seemed to have taken by mistake) we shot the OU marching band practice on 16mm film and a really heavy camera.  Those marching band people are serious.  I was comfortably shooting them from behind, closely, when all of a sudden, the whole group pivoted, and started coming at me. (you had to be there) Next time I'll follow the tuba section and not the trombone section.
Me and the band
Vince is smarter.  He's on a container above the band.

*seriously...we've only used a quarter tank of gas since we've been here.

 Until next time.

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